Research Fields


II training project, integrating contributions and disciplines, It aims to study the relationships between environment, information and users, and vice versa, the influence on design choices of the cultural, social, political context. II program It is presented as a virtual Multi-scalar laboratory intended to foster cross-disciplinary thinking.

The goals of the ADD program are oriented toward the acquisition of a propositional-critical dimension related to the theme of contemporary design, in its complexity, taking advantage of transversal scientific inputs and theoretical-applicative research of international live/lo.

The basic structure of the ADD PhD It is defined from a flexible matrix referring to four major thematic areas, of inter-scalar approach - and intersection.

1. A first sphere (New Urban and Territorial Strategies Policies and Perspectives / New Urban and Territorial Strategies Policies and Perspectives) aimed at articulating research oriented toward new scenarios - and geographies - whose field covers concepts such as those of multi-cities (or multi-territories), smart cities, resilient contexts or advanced landscapes.

2. A second sphere (Theory of Design / Theory of Design) aimed at articulating research focused in the construction of a new theoretical-critical basis of analysis whose field of inquiry revolves around concepts such as cognitive taxonomy or historical-holistic gaze.

3. A third area (Strategies and Technologies for Sustainability and Systemic Design / Strategies and Technologies for Sustainability and Systemic Design) aimed at articulating research based on more operational approaches that compose possible topics of inquiry with a new technological, material and productive capacity and a new ecological sensibility: heritage/innovage, environmental techniques and operational strategies or interactive technologies.

4. A fourth area (Visual languages and communication / Visual languages and communication) to articulate the research most interested in exploring a new field of recording and expression, in which concepts such as "digital info-graphies" "n-mapping" or "networked spaces "are particularly decisive. Associated with these transversal areas of research several argumentative filons are framed, on which the research activities that make up an address map focus. 

1 - The filons most involved in area 1 concern dynamics of spatial structuring and coastal development, urban recycling, conviviality, temporality and public space and/or flexible planfication, with key terms such as multi-city, coast & complex coast, re-citying, co-cities & t-cities, land-links, advanced landscapes, resili(g)ent contexts, new planning, new habitat(s), etc.

2 - The filons most involved in area 2 involve issues of theory, epistemology, taxonomy or historical interpretation, with key terms such as cognitive sciences, advanced knowledge, contemporary criticism, systematic forms, design structures and invariants, epistemology, etc.

3 - The filons most involved in area 3 concern strategies related to industrial processes and eco-productive systems, environmental and digital technologies, new interactive devices, with key terms such as heritage/innovage, operational strategies, eco-matters & reactive matters, digital interfaces, eco designs, active sustainability, social design, etc.

4 - The filons most involved in area 4 concern processes associated with new networked connectivity but also with a new type of evolutionary representation/simulation (real and virtual), linked with key terms such as n-maps, multilayering records, network collectivities, real time data, net. Com, (ex)changes, etc.




1 GRANTS_DM. 630 (co-financed by SHL), subject to approval of ministerial funding

Research mentor: prof. Christiano Lepratti

Collaboration with: Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects

Title: Design strategies employing AI for the transformation of multi-story buildings with skeletal structure in reinforced concrete, steel, and wood.

Research Objectives: 

The practice of demolishing buildings has reached significant proportions, mainly due to the increasing construction of buildings with a shorter lifespan. This phenomenon is influenced by various socio-economic and cultural factors, such as changes in the labor market and the rise of precarious and smart work. These changes have accelerated the obsolescence of certain types of buildings, necessitating a reconsideration of their spaces. Although demolition has advantages like tax incentives, it also entails negative environmental, social, and cultural impacts. The objective of the research focuses on creating foundational knowledge for generating functional adaptation solutions in existing buildings constructed between the second half of the 20th century and the 21st century, and how these solutions can be functional within AI modeling.

Company Involvement: 

The research involves constant exchange between the university and the company, sharing the intellectual knowledge necessary to support the research in question. The implementation and execution methods will meet the interests of the parties in mutual development of investigative solutions.

Objectives and Methods for the Study and Research Period in the Company: 

The period of mobility in the company will focus on finalizing the creation of the adaptation solutions proposed by the candidate, enhancing the knowledge of the parties for the success of the research objectives. The candidate will work jointly with the host company, sharing their intellectual knowledge over the three years of the doctoral program.




Research tutor: prof. Rita Vecchiattini

Collaboration with: Comune di Genova

Title: Conservation and protection of historical, cultural and architectural heritage in urban areas

Research Objectives:
The research aims to investigate the ways to ensure the conservation of cultural and architectural heritage in complex contexts such as historic centres with Unesco recognition, from single buildings to entire neighbourhoods. The ways of knowing the heritage (from filing to georeferencing), the recognition of characteristics in the context of Unesco recognition (attributes), the governance issues related to conservation (from Unesco Management Plans to the rules of land management and building transformation - Urban Planning and Building Regulations) will be investigated in order to highlight their limits and potential. As a case study, the Unesco Site "Genoa, The New Roads and the system of the Palazzi dei Rolli" will be tackled, at the centre of a complex multidisciplinary study that will see the in-depth study of multiple issues connected with the Site and, more generally, with the enhancement of a systemic cultural offer, consistent with the provisions of the 2020-2024 Management Plan for the implementation of Objective 1.2 "Monitoring and Conservation" identified in the Plan itself.

Means of involvement of the Organisation:
The research foresees a constant dialogue between the Department and the Municipality of Genoa both in the definition of the short and long term objectives and in the identification of the methodological path. The Municipality will actively collaborate from the outset by providing data and documentation to support the development of the research; it will also offer the skills gained in the use of information systems for land management and the experience developed in the governance of the Unesco Site.
Partial results will be shared between the Department and the Municipality, to maintain the balance between basic research and the practical relevance of the study. The results achieved will also be shared and the Department and the Municipality will collaborate in the dissemination phase.

Objectives and modalities of the study and research period in the Institution:
Some punctual topics may be developed at the Municipality, which will be able to take advantage of the direct relationship with the Research Tutor and the PhD student(s) who may be involved in specific activities shared at the premises of the Entity itself. The objective is the establishment of a synergic link between the local authorities and the university research sector in order to give a positive outcome to the protection of the cultural heritage, with particular attention to the conservation of the Unesco site in Genoa.


subject to the approval of regional financing

Research Tutor: prof. Vittorio Pizzigoni

Collaboration with: RINA prime

Title: The perception of social and urban impact in the evaluation of architecture

Research objectives:

The research aims to explore the perception of social and urban aspects in 
ESG real estate investments. The impact of the new focus on ai will be examined  in architectural and urban design, especially under the socio-cultural profile, investigating and critically reflecting on evaluation methods, on necessity, implications and repercussions of the perception of social aspects and
cities in real estate investments. The investigations may concern specific sectors and
socio-economic contexts to be defined. This operating mode allows ones to 
reconcile application checks with the critical analysis of socio-urban dynamics,
promoting a more informed and inclusive understanding of investing sustainability.

Methods of company involvement:

The research involves constant dialogue between the University and the corporate partner in the 
definition of objectives. The company will collaborate actively from the beginning by providing 
real data and priority scenarios for the development of analyses and guidelines for evaluation systems 
relating to the social and urban aspects of real estate investments. 
The company will also offer skills, experience and technical support if necessary 
implementation of the evaluation model, which may make use of Artificial Intelligence systems. Partial results will be shared between the University and the corporate partner to 
maintain the balance between basic research and practical relevance of the study. University and 
company will also collaborate in the dissemination of the results achieved


Objectives and methods of carrying out the study and research period in the company:

The comparison with the company will be constant also due to the strategic proximity between 
university headquarters and the operational headquarters of RINA PRIME VALUE SERVICES S.p.A. However the
research  periods at the company will be concentrated in two specific moments: 
a first moment at the beginning of the three years of doctorate so that the doctor candidate can gain in-depth knowledge of the dynamics and practices of the sector real estate valuation. A second moment will take place between the end of the second and the beginning of the third year so as to test the analyses carried out more intensively in the field. 
University and company will jointly evaluate where to carry out those foreign stays 
useful for inserting the research into an international panorama.


Research tutor: prof. Renata Morbiducci

Collaboration with: BEDimensional

Title: Applications of two-dimensional materials for smart and sustainable cementitious composites

Research objectives:

The doctoral path proposed here has as its main objective the exploration of application potential 
of two-dimensional materials in architecture and construction. In particular, it will be evaluated 
the use of 2D materials to develop innovative technological solutions that 
contribute to the decarbonisation of the construction sector. A word of caution 
in particular  will be dedicated to smart concrete and painting products 
technologically advanced, innovative construction solutions that can cover a 
fundamental role in the process of adaptation and mitigation of effects
of climate change. The research program will follow one  
integrated methodological approach that combines bibliographic analysis and experimental activity. 
Initially, a critical analysis of the state of the art will be conducted to highlight the 
application potential of 2D materials and to design construction solutions that 
exceed the current limitations of use. Next, we will proceed with activities 
workshops, during which the doctoral student will be actively involved in development 
and in the experimental verification of innovative construction solutions based on the use of 
two-dimensional materials..

Methods of company involvement:

The company will be actively involved in the development of the doctoral path through a continuous exchange of knowledge and contributions on the development of the research project and the methodologies to be adopted. The collaboration with BeDimensional will be essential to formulate constructive proposals 
innovative solutions based on two-dimensional materials, oriented towards large-scale reproducibility 
stairs. Only from the direct involvement of the Company, from the early stages of the research, 
it will be possible to obtain a detailed review and optimization of the entire process 
productive, essential to facilitate the future technological transfer of solutions 
identified, from the academic to the industrial sector. This synergy aims to 
maximize the effectiveness of the solutions developed and accelerate implementation 
practice of the same in the industrial context for their future patentability and marketing.


Objectives and methods of carrying out the study and research period in the company:

The objective of the period of study and research in the company is to provide the doctoral student with a 
deepening theoretical and practical knowledge through daily interaction with experts in the field of two-dimensional materials. Such an experience is fundamental to develop, by the end of the three years of the doctorate, construction solutions based on 2D materials that are achievable on an industrial scale. The period 
research in the company will focus on acquiring in-depth knowledge 
of the current state of two-dimensional materials, covering aspects such as properties, 
production techniques and main applications. Furthermore, the doctoral student will have the opportunity
to actively participate in the activities of the research and development laboratory 
of the company, where he will be able to design and experimentally verify the properties of 
construction solutions identified.


Research tutor: prof. Alberto Bertagna


Title: Living in two seas: hypotheses for new settlement practices between the Adriatic Sea and the Ligurian Sea

Research objectives:

The opportunity to rethink settlement systems in the housing sector requires as always, and today even more so, an in-depth convergence of knowledge that only exists in the world of university research. The design areas relating specifically to the architectural composition are crucial in the development of new methods and principles capable of satisfying the request for quality and coherence in a a rapidly evolving contemporary territory.
engaged for decades in the design and consultancy of public and private works 
also in collaboration with the university sector, considers the scientific consultancy necessary for the drafting of design models in the field of living to be more important than ever through the practice of a solid relationship between theoretical research and architectural design practice.
Specific research fields will find  investigation on specific occasions that will have as their denominator the relationship with the Mediterranean and specifically the two eastern seas of the west of the Peninsula, the Adriatic and the Ligurian Sea. Also for these reasons the University of Genoa is considered a primary and qualified partner.

Methods of company involvement:

The company will pose specific project topics as research topics to be developed in collaboration with the Department and will be able to make use of the direct relationship with the Research Managers and with the PhD student who will then be involved in specific activities at the company's premises.
Objectives will be the establishment of a synergistic bond, also in the field of architectural design, between the world of entrepreneurship and professions and the university research sector in order to give positive outcome to projects that can become useful research for disciplinary purposes.

Objectives and methods of carrying out the study and research period in the company:

the staff who will be made available to the Department will be able to collaborate at the company headquarters by providing the necessary consultancy in the forms and ways that will be available deemed most appropriate. The doctoral student will be required to follow the doctoral course according to the program established by the Department, providing scheduled progress reports and concluding the course with a thesis which will collect the theoretical and design outcomes of the activities carried out.
At the end of the research period, one or more will be published at the company's expense 
publications relating to theoretical research and practical results achieved.



Last update 10 June 2024