Antiplagio Service

From September 2016, the University of Genoa has acquired the online antiplagio service Magister, by, with a three-year contract.


The service allows faculty and researchers of the University to detect and measure similarities between digital documents, for educational purposes of prevention of plagiarism, comparing the extracts of the documents to be analysed with pages freely available on the Internet and/or documents in the software database.


Access to the Magister service for teaching and research purposes for all University staff through Single signon IDEM, following

    "Reserved for Magister accounts" →  link "click here" → 'Università di Genova'

and using their UniGePASS credentials.


Furthermore, integration with the Moodle AulaWeb platform is active, which allows the analysis of tasks on delivery. provides a Magister service guide and assistance through the Help Center.


For information


Last update 15 September 2023