Final Year Kit

At the beginning of the third year a dedicated meeting with PhD students is organized.

The stages for the conclusion of the training course are divided over the 3 year, as follows:

  • Presentation of the thesis paper and admission to evaluation by the faculty. Indication of 2 external examiners, selected by the PhD student together with his supervisor.

  • (60gg) Antiplagio control of the thesis through the software provided by the Doctoral School and sending thesis to the evaluators

  • (30 days) Receipt of evaluations and verification of any request for extensions. 

  • Admission to the final examination

  • (30gg) Delivery of the final thesis and sending to the commissioners

  • (30 days) Final exam


European PhD

Applicants wishing to apply for the "European Doctorate" must read the UNIGE Research Doctorate Regulations (Art. 27) and inform the Doctorate Secretariat before the 3-year evaluation. Link


Doctor Europaeus Certification and International Doctorate (International PhD) 

At the request of the PhD student and after consulting the faculty, the University may issue the Doctor Europaeus or International PhD certification, in addition to the national title of the PhD, if the following conditions are met:

  • a) the discussion of the final thesis must be made after the presentation of two positive assessments of the evaluators, by teachers from two universities or institutions of the European Union (EU) for the title of Doctor Europaeus or abroad (EU and non-EU) for the title of International PhD other than the one in which it is discussed; 

  • b) at least one member of the examination board must belong to a University or institution of the European Union (EU) for the title of Doctor Europaeus or foreign (EU and non-EU) for the title of International PhD other than the one in which it is discussed;

  • c) part of the discussion of the thesis must take place in one of the official languages of the Union other than that of the country in which the thesis is being discussed; 

  • d) part of the research presented in the thesis must have been carried out during a stay for carrying out research activities, authorised by the College of Lecturers during the PhD, at least three months also not consecutive in a European Union country for the title of Doctor Europaeus or abroad (EU and non-EU) for the title of International PhD, other than that of origin of the PhD student.

Last update 19 September 2023